Thursday, February 28, 2008

Salad Days

early January we travelled to Victoria to play for a family Bush Dance. Leaving the vegie gardens watered and well mulched we wondered how they would fare over the next ten days. In Victoria the temperatures were in the low to mid 40’s. We pined for our cool temperate climate but feared the worst for our fledgling vegetables. We returned to a glorious 18 degrees and gentle rain. The garden had fared amazingly well and for our first meal home we were able to pick lettuce, tomato (just the one), cucumber, snow peas, zucchini, beans, basil and parsley to munch with freshly scrambled free range eggs. In our absence the chooks had thrived, free to roam within the berrarium (a tennis court size anti-aviary) and with enough food and water to meet their needs. Unfortunately they had also decided to go feral and were now laying eggs under inaccessible thorny berry bushes instead of in their nesting box. It was a great feeling to be back home and to be able to enjoy such an abundance of fresh food.

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